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#21 alsancakE24


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Posted 25.03.2009 - 13:52

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One More Chance / Teddy Randazzo (1961)
(Söz ve Müzik: Bobby Weinstein, Teddy Randazzo / 1961)

One more chance, one more chance
All you ask is one more chance
To break my heart

Dear, it wasn't very long ago
That you called an end to old romance
Now I find you come back crying here
Begging me for one more chance

Though you're crying now you cry in vain
For I'll never take you back again
I am not a fool I was before
I don't want you anymore

I'll admit that I still think of you
Though you've left me for somebody new
Now that he no longer cares for you
You beg me for one more chance

(Bölüm II tekrar)

One more chance, one more chance
All you ask is one more chance)
To break my heart
You break my heart!

Edited by alsancakE24, 01.07.2009 - 08:37.

#22 alsancakE24


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Posted 28.03.2009 - 03:31

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Speedy Gonzales / Pat Boone (1962)
(Söz ve Müzik: Buddy Kaye,Eithel Lee, David Hill / 1962)

[Spoken: It was a moonlit night in old Mexico.
I walked alone between some old adobe haciendas.
Suddenly, I heard the plaintive cry of a young Mexican girl:
(female voice singing a series of "La-la-la's") ]

You better come home, Speedy Gonzales
Away from tannery row
Stop alla your a-drinkin'
With that floozie named Flo
Come on home to your adobe
And slap some mud on the wall
The roof is leakin' like a strainer
There's loadsa roaches in the hall

Speedy Gonzales, why dontcha come home?
Speedy Gonzales, how come ya leave me all alone?

[Spoken in a male Mexican accent: "Hey, Rosita-I hafta go shopping downtown
for my mudder-she needs some tortillas and chili peppers." ]

Your doggy's gonna have a puppy
And we're runnin' outta coke
No enchiladas in the icebox
And the television's broke
I saw some lipstick on your sweatshirt
I smelled some perfume in your ear
Well if you're gonna keep on messin'
Don't bring your business back a-here

Mmm, Speedy Gonzales, why dontcha come home?
Speedy Gonzales, how come ya leave me all alone?

[Spoken in a male Mexican accent: "Hey, Rosita-come queek-down at the cantina
they giving green stamps with tequila!!" ]

Edited by alsancakE24, 01.07.2009 - 09:02.

#23 alsancakE24


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Posted 31.03.2009 - 19:21

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Rain / Jose Feliciano (1969)
(Söz ve Müzik: Jose Feliciano, 1969)

Listen to the pouring rain
listen to it pour,
And with every drop of rain
You know I love you more

Let it rain all night long,
let my love for you go strong,
as long as we`re together
who cares about the weather?

Listen to the falling rain,
listen to it fall,
and with every drop of rain,
I can hear you call,
call my name right out loud,
I can here above the clouds
and I`m here among the puddles,
you and I together huddle.

Listen to the falling rain,
listen to it fall.

It`s raining,
it`s pouring,
The old man is snoring,
went to bad
and bumped his head,
he couldn`t get up in the morning,

Listen to the falling rain,
listen to the rain.

Edited by alsancakE24, 18.12.2009 - 17:00.

#24 DKNH


    εїз Black Mamba 24 km/h hız yapar..

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Posted 31.03.2009 - 22:06

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Yoktun ve Tanrı bu ihtimalden hiç bahsetmemişti....

#25 alsancakE24


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Posted 01.04.2009 - 00:23

Harikasın dost Alinda, harika ötesisin.

#26 shy


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Posted 01.04.2009 - 15:10

Unchain My Heart

Unchain my heart, baby let me be
Cause you don't care, help me, set me free

Unchain my heart, baby let me go
Unchain my heart, cause you don't love me no more
Every time I call you on the phone
Some fellow tells me that you're not at home
Unchain my heart, set me free

Unchain my heart, baby let me be
Unchain my heart, cause you don't care about me
You got me sewed up like a narrow case
But you let my love go to waste
Unchain my heart, set me free

I'm under your spell, like a man in a trance, oh yeah
Oh but you know damn well, that I don't stand a chance

Unchain my heart, let me go my way
Unchain my heart, you were mean that day
Why lead me through a life of misery
When you don't care a bag of beans for me
Unchain my heart, oh please, let me be

Şarkıyı Bobby Sharp yazmıştır ilk defa da Ray Charles (1961) seslendirmiştir ki Ray i meşhur eden parçalardan birisidir.Aslında zaten çok iyi bilinen bir blues sanatçısıydı da yıl 50 lerin sonu olunca ve o zamanlar zencilere ameraikada bakış değişik olunca daha popüler olması diyelim bu bu şekilde birkaç parça ile olmuştur denilebilir.Ray malumunuz hepimizin bildiği üzere küçükken geçirdiği göz tansiyonu sebebiyle gözleri görmeyen piyano başında muhteşem işler başaran kişi :)
Sharp uyuşturucu bağımlısı birisidir o zamanlar (daha sonra ne olmuştur bilgim yok) ve Teddy Powell bundan yararlanarak şarkıyı satın alır ve isim hakkının kendinde olduğunu iddia eder.Gel zaman git zaman uzun davalar sonucu sharp hakkını geri alır (sanırım yani ben de başkalarının yalancısıyım görmedim böyle bir şey)
Tabii parça çok ünlüdür bir çok coverı vardır Sanırım en ünlüsü Joe Cocker (1987)ın yaptığıdır...

Güzel parçadır dinleyin dinletin :P

Ray Charles tan bir buklelik kısım :D

Joe Cocker dan


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#27 alsancakE24


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Posted 01.04.2009 - 17:21

Ray Charles'ın tartışılmazlığının yanısıra Joe Cocker'ın performansı da 4x4'lük...
Teşekkürler dost shy, mükemmel bir seçimdi.



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Posted 01.04.2009 - 17:54

On a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair
Karanlık bir çöl otoyolunda serin rüzgar saçlarımda

Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air
Colitaların sıcak kokusu yükseliyor havaya

Up ahead in the distance I saw a shimmering light
İleride bir mesafede parlak bir ışık gördüm

My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
Ağırlaştı başım ve bulanıklaştı görüşüm.

I had to stop for the night
Gece için durmalıydım

There she stood in the doorway;
Orada kapının önünde durdu

I heard the mission bell
Görev zili duyuldu

And I was thinking to myself
Ve kendi kendime düşünüyordum ki

'This could be Heaven or this could be Hell'
'Cennet de olabilir bu cehennem de'

Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
Sonra bir mum yaktı ve bana yolu gösterdi

There were voices down the corridor
Koridor boyunca sesler vardı

I thought I heard them say...
Sanırım şöyle dediklerini duydum onların:

Welcome to the Hotel California
California oteline hoşgeldiniz

Such a lovely place
Ne kadar hoş bir yer

Such a lovely face
Ne kadar hoş bir çehre

Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Bir çok oda var otel california da

Any time of year you can find it here
Yılın herhangi bir zamanı bulabilirsiniz burada

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted she got the Mercedes bends
Aklı "Tiffany-dalgın" "Mercedes kavisleri"

She got a lot of pretty pretty boys that she calls friends
Bir sürü tatlı çocukları vardı arkadaş diye çağırdığı

How they dance in the courtyard sweet summer sweat.
Sahnede nasıl dansettikleri tatlı yaz teri

Some dance to remember some dance to forget
Bazı danslar hatırlamak içindir unutmak içindir bazısı

So I called up the Captain
Böylece hatırlattım kaptana

'Please bring me my wine'
'lütfen şarabımı getirin bana'

He said'We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine'
O dedi ki; "o ruhu yakalayamamıştık 1969 dan bu yana"

And still those voices are calling from far away
Ve o sesler çok uzaklardan çağırıyor hala

Wake you up in the middle of the night
Uyandırır seni gecenin ortasında

Just to hear them say...
Sadece onların şunu demelerini duymaya...

Welcome to the Hotel California
California oteline hoşgeldiniz

Such a lovely place
Ne kadar hoş bir yer

Such a lovely face
Ne kadar hoş bir çehre

They livin' it up at the Hotel California
Otel California'da yaşarlar şaşaa içinde

What a nice surprise bring your alibis
Ne kadar güzel bir sürpriz getirir bahanelerinizi

Mirrors on the ceiling
Aynalar tavanda

The pink champagne on ice
Buzda pembe şampanya

And she said 'We are all just prisoners here of our own device'
Ve o dedi ki; "burada hepimiz sadece mahkumlarız kendi düzeneğimizin"

And in the master's chambers
Ve ana salonda

They gathered for the feast
ziyafet için toplandılar

The stab it with their steely knives
Çelik bıçaklarıyla onu doğradılar

But they just can't kill the beast
Fakat canavarı öldüremezler

Last thing I remember I was
Hatırladığım son şey benim

Running for the door
Kapıya koştuğumdu

I had to find the passage back
Geçidi tekrar bulmalıydım.

To the place I was before
Daha önce bulunduğum yere açılan

'Relax'said the night man
"Rahatla" dedi adam

We are programmed to receive.
Varmak için programlandık

You can checkout any time you like
İstediğin zaman kontrol edebilirsin

but you can never leave!
Ama ayrılamazsın asla!

#29 alsancakE24


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Posted 01.04.2009 - 18:20

Keder yüklü bir şarkı, hüzünlü bir ses...
Anımsadığım kadarıyla 70'li yıllardan geliyor.
Harikaydı, tüm eski şarkılar gibi...

Teşekkürler dost CIZIRTI.

Edited by alsancakE24, 01.04.2009 - 18:22.

#30 alsancakE24


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Posted 08.04.2009 - 07:23

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There Goes My Everything / Elvis Presley (1970)
(Söz ve Müzik: Dallas Frazier, 1965)

There goes my only possession
There goes my everything

I hear footsteps slowly walking
As they gently walk across the lonely floor
And a voice is softly saying
Darling this will be goodbye for evermore

There goes my reason for living
There goes the one of my dreams
There goes my only possession
There goes my everything

As my memory turns back the pages
I can see the happy years we've had before
Now the love that kept this heart beating
Has been shattered by the closing of the door

Edited by alsancakE24, 01.07.2009 - 09:08.

#31 alsancakE24


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Posted 15.04.2009 - 13:46

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Lili Marlen / Lale Andersen (1942)
[Söz:Hans Leip, 1915 / Müzik: Norbert Schultze, 1938)
(İngilizce Sözler: Tommie Connor, 1940)

Underneath the lantern, by the barrack gate,
Darling I remember the way you used to wait.
'Twas there that you whispered tenderly,
That you loved me, You'd always be,
My Lili of the lamplight, My own Lili Marlene.

Time would come for roll call, Time for us to part,
Darling I'd caress you and press you to my heart,
And there 'neath that far off lantern light,
I'd hold you tight, We'd kiss good-night,
My Lili of the lamplight, My own Lili Marlene.

Orders came for sailing somewhere over there,
All confined to barracks was more than I could bear;
I knew you were waiting in the street,
I heard your feet, But could not meet,
My Lili of the lamplight, My own Lili Marlene.

Resting in a billet, just behind the line,
Even tho'we're parted, your lips are close to mine.
You wait where that lantern softly gleams.
Your sweet face seems to haunt my dreams.
My Lili of the lamplight, My own Lili Marlene.

- Bilgi:
'Lili Marleen' , Birinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında, Alman bir askerin (Hans Leip) çarpışmada ölen bir arkadaşı ve onun sevgilisine yazdığı şiirdir. Asker olan sevgilisini bekleyen bir Alman kızını anlatır
Daha sonra 1937de Norbert Schulze tarafından bestelenmiştir .

Savaş sırasında neredeyse tüm ulusların askerlerinin şarkısı niteliğine bürünen ve radyodan yayınlandığı anlarda cephedeki çarpışmaların bile durduğu şarkının orijinal ismi "Lambanın Altındaki Kız" ( Almanca: Das Mädchen Unter Der Laterne)'dı fakat "Lili Marleen" olarak ün kazandı.
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Edited by alsancakE24, 18.12.2009 - 15:05.

#32 alsancakE24


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Posted 19.04.2009 - 11:40

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Shame and Scandal in the Family / Madness (2005)
(Söz ve Müzik: Sir Lancelot* , 1943)

Woh is me, shame in scandal in the family.
Woh is me, shame in scandal in the family.

In Trinidad there was a family
With much confusion as you will see.
There was a mama and a papa and a boy who was grown
Who wanted to be married, have wife of his own.

He found the young girl, who suiting him nice,
He went to his papa to ask his advice.
The Papa said "Son, I have to say no,
That girl is your sister, but your Mama don't know."

Woh is me, shame in scandal in the family.
Woh is me, shame in scandal in the family.

A week went by and the summer came down
And soon the best cook in the island he found.
He went to his Papa to name the day.

The Papa shook his head and to him he did say,
"You can't marry that girl I have to say no,
That girl is your sister, but your Mama don't know."

Woh is me, shame in scandal in the family.
Woh is me, shame in scandal in the family.

The years went by, the boy wished he was dead.
He found seventeen girls and still wasn't wet.
He went to his Papa, his Papa said: "No,
those girls are all your sisters, but your Mama don't know."

Woh is me, shame in scandal in the family.
Woh is me, shame in scandal in the family.

He went to his Mama and cover his head,
We told his Mama what his Papa has said.
His Mama she laughed, and said "Go man go,
Your Daddy ain't your Daddy, but your Daddy don't know."

Woh is me, shame in scandal in the family.
Woh is me, shame in scandal in the family.

*Lancelot Victor Edward Pinard

Edited by alsancakE24, 18.12.2009 - 15:10.

#33 alsancakE24


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Posted 22.04.2009 - 17:34

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Return To Me / Dean Martin (1958)
(Söz ve Müzik: Danny Di Minno / Carmen Lombardo, 1957)

Return to me, oh my dear I'm so lonely.
Hurry back, hurry back, oh my love I'm yours.
Return to me, for my heart wants you only.
Hurry home, hurry home, won't you please hurry home to my heart?

My darling, if I've hurt you I'm sorry.
Forgive me, and please say you'll be mine.
Return to me, come back bella mia.
Hurry back, hurry home, to my arms to my lips to my heart.

Oh my darling. If I've hurt you I'm sorry.
Forgive me, and please say you'll be mine.
Return to me, caramia di amor,
So lo tu, so lo tu, so lo tu, mi amor.

Edited by alsancakE24, 01.07.2009 - 10:11.

#34 alsancakE24


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Posted 27.04.2009 - 23:33

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Little Man / Sonny & Cher (1966)
(Söz ve Müzik: Sonny Bono, 1966)

Little man
When you stand by my side
Then I know I don't have
To hide from anyone

And I pray that
We'll stay just that way
Till the day comes along
When we catch the sun

Little girl, you're runnin'
Come catch my hand, I'm near you
Little girl, you're singin'
Come close to me, I hear you

You're growin' old
My mother's cold
Now it's time that you learned
What it meant to be mature

There's no such place
As make believe
But when I look at your face
I'm not so sure

Little girl, you're runnin'
Come catch my hand, I'm near you
Little girl, you're singin'
Come close to me, I hear you

You and me is what I see
And that's the way
It's gonna stay
And it will always be

So little man
Please understand
That in this world with all its land
You're all I see

Little girl, you're runnin'
Come catch my hand, I'm near you
Little girl, you're singin'
Come close to me, I hear you

Little girl, you're runnin'
Come catch my hand, I'm near you
Little girl, you're singin'
Come close to me, I hear you

Edited by alsancakE24, 01.07.2009 - 10:16.

#35 Saklı Bahçe

Saklı Bahçe

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Posted 28.04.2009 - 16:26

Tek kelimeyle enfes bir bölüm olmuş..eskilerden bu ezgiler,farklı bir boyuta taşıyor insanı..

Teşekkür ederim..*gla

İnsan döner döner yalnızlığını severmiş..

#36 alsancakE24


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Posted 28.04.2009 - 16:43

Sizin yorumunuz da tek kelimeyle enfesti dost Saklı Bahçe...
Ben de size teşekkür ederim hem ilginiz, hem de yorumunuz için.

#37 alsancakE24


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Posted 29.04.2009 - 16:49

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It Never Rains In Southern California / Albert Hammond (1972)
(Söz ve Müzik: Albert Hammond ve Mike Hazlewood, 1972)

Got on board a westbound seven forty-seven
Didn't think before deciding what to do
Ooh, that talk of opportunities, TV breaks and movies
Rang true, sure rang true ...

Seems it never rains in southern California
Seems I've often heard that kind of talk before
It never rains in California, but girl, don't they warn ya?
It pours, man, it pours

I'm out of work, I'm out of my head
Out of self respect, I'm out of bread
I'm underloved, I'm underfed, I wanna go home
It never rains in California, but girl, don't they warn ya?
It pours, man, it pours

Will you tell the folks back home I nearly made it?
Had offers but didn't know which one to take
Please don't tell 'em how you found me
Don't tell 'em how you found me
Gimme a break, give me a break

Seems it never rains in southern California
Seems I've often heard that kind of talk before
It never rains in California, but girl, don't they warn ya?
It pours, man, it pours

Edited by alsancakE24, 01.07.2009 - 10:44.

#38 alsancakE24


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Posted 05.05.2009 - 01:55

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Love Is a Many Splendored Thing / Nat King Cole (1956)
( Söz: Paul Francis Webster - Müzik: Sammy Fain, 1955)

Love is a many splendored thing
It's the April rose that only grows in the early spring
Love is nature's way of giving a reason to be living
The golden crown that makes a man a king

Once on a high and windy hill
In the morning mist two lovers kissed and the world stood still
Then your fingers touched my silent heart and taught it how to sing
Yes, true love's a many splendored thing

Once on a high and windy hill
In the morning mist two lovers kissed and the world stood still
Then your fingers touched my silent heart and taught it how to sing
Yes, true love's a many splendored thing

Edited by alsancakE24, 18.12.2009 - 15:15.

#39 alsancakE24


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Posted 06.05.2009 - 15:18

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Guantanamera / Nana Mouskouri (1967)
(Söz: Jose Marti / Müzik : Jose Fernandez Diaz, 1929)

Guantanamera, guajira Guantanamera
Guantanamera, guajira Guantanamera

Yo soy un hombre sincero
De donde crece la palma
Yo soy un hombre sincero
De donde crece la palma
Y antes de morirme quiero
Echar mis versos del alma

Guantanamera, guajira Guantanamera
Guantanamera, guajira Guantanamera

Mi verso es de un verde claro
Y de un carmín encendido
Mi verso es de un verde claro
Y de un carmín encendido
Mi verso es un ciervo herido
Que busca en el monte amparo

Guantanamera, guajira Guantanamera
Guantanamera, guajira Guantanamera

Con los pobres de la tierra
Quiero yo mi suerte echar
Con los pobres de la tierra
Quiero yo mi suerte echar
El arroyo de la sierra
Me complace más que el mar

Guantanamera, guajira Guantanamera
Guantanamera, guajira Guantanamera

Guantanamera, guajira Guantanamera
Guantanamera, guajira Guantanamera

Edited by alsancakE24, 01.07.2009 - 10:56.

#40 tandem


    Sadık bir ziyaretçidir

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Posted 06.05.2009 - 17:06

güzel bir arşiv oluşuyor
bayıldım teşekkürler emeği geçenlere...

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